When will i purchase own house or construct own house?
On 1st November 2019 in the morning hours, One of my friend known phoned That he wanted to purchase own house. Astrologically he wanted to know, when will his desire come true.
Question : own house or construct House ?
Horary Number : 178
Date of Judgement : November 1, 2019
Time of Judgement : 11:49:32 AM
Place of Judgement : Zahirabad
KP Rule for Own, purchase, construct house/ land, property
If 4th cusp sub lord be the significator of house 4, 11 and 12, one will have his own construction / Purchase building / land / plot during the joint period of the significator of 4, 11 and 12.
Karaka Planets of Land / Building : Satrun and Mars.

Horary Chart

Cusp Degrees

Planets Degrees
Analysis Method
4th Cusp Sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of Satrun
- Jupiter is occupant of 12th House and lord of 1 and 4 Houses.
- Mercury is occupant of 11th house lord of 7 and 10 houses. Mercury in Satrun Star.
- Satrun is occupant of 1st house and lord of 2 and 3 Houses. Satrun is in Venus Star.
- Venus is occupant of 11th house lord 6 and 11 Houses.
- 4th Cusp Sub lord Jupiter is connected with 12, 1,4, 11, 7,10, 1, 2,3 and 6 Houses. So own building / purchase of building is promised.
Dasha Analysis Method – Present Joint Period
- Maha Dasha – Keu will be up to August 24, 2022
- Bhukthi – Mercury will be up to July 18, 2020
- Anthara – Mercury is from November 10, 2019 to January 7, 2020
Maha Dasha Keu is in the star of Venus and sub of Mars
- Ketu is occupant lagna, which is Venus star – significators of 11 and 6
- Satrun, which is already discussed above – significator of 1,2,3,6,11
- So Mahadasha Ketu gives positive results of Purchase Own House / construct own house with significance of KARAKA Planet Saturn.
Bhukthi / Anthara Mercury is in the star of Saturn and sub of Saturn
- Mercury, which is already discussed above – significator of 11, 7, 10, 1,2,
- Satrun, which is already discussed above – significator of 1,2,3,6,11
- So Mercury gives positive results of Purchase Own House / construct own house with significance of KARAKA Planet Saturn.(November 10, 2019 to January 7, 2020)
My Judgment:
Present Joint Period of Ketu / Mercury / Mercury are signifying required houses of 4,11 and 12 with Karaka Planet of Saturn. He would purchase or construct his own building ( November 10, 2019 – January 7, 2020 )
Note :
In Horary Chart Mercury is in retrograde. Present Anthara Mercury period is from November 10, 2019 to January 7, 2020
In this Anthara period, Mercury in Retrograde up to November 20, 2019. After November 20th Mercury will be in Direct.
So he will purchase After November 20, 2019. It means from November 20, 2019 to January 7, 2020.
Facts of the case
On 14th December He informed me that he purchased of his own house. At that time he also asked me what is the best date for registration.
Thanks to Prof KS Krishnamurthi sir.