Libra Ascendant – Benefic & Malefic Planets

Group 1

  1. Lord of Tula and 8th lord – Venus
  2. 4th & 5th lords – Saturn
  3. 9th & 12th lords – Mercury
  • Group 1 Lords became Trikona Lords. So if these planets exchange in their 1,5,9 houses or placed in Trikona houses, the native would get auspicious results throughout his life. As well the native financial status would be stable.
  • Among these planets any two planets combination – if placed in Trikona Signs, the native become rich person with in short period.
  • 8th Lord Venus & 12th Lord Mercury are strong significator of 8th & 9th and 12th house – indicates medical related profession

Group 2

  1. 2nd & 7th lords – Mars
  2. 3rd & 6th lords – Jupiter
  3. 10th Lord – Moon
  4. 11th Lord – Sun11
  5. 11th lord Sun is Badhaka house for Libra Ascendant
  6. Maraka Planets -Mars
  • If Group 2 Planets have significations with 2, 10,11 houses, the native  will earn abundant wealth and is a lucky person. Otherwise if these planets placed in Group 1 houses, will earn good money, not much as Group 2 Planets.
  • 2nd lord Mars and 10th lord Sun – if these 2 planets have significance with 6th house/ lord and Saturn, the native acquires wealth and property.
  • Mars & Mercury Combination is not good. If this combination placed in any sign, indicates losses of the house related significations. For example if this combination placed in 7th house Aries Sign, brings marriage related problems. Because 7th house itself indicates marriage. Like this, have to analysis according to the this combination`s house and finally come to conclusion.
  • If More than 3 planets are exalted signs and have significations with Trikona Houses, it is called Dhana Lakshmi yoga. Like this If among 9 planets more than 7 planets have significations with Trikona Houses, indicates Lakshmi Yoga. I personally observed, In world most of billionaires have same significations like this. So these planets are said really YOGAKARAKA Planets.


  • If 1,5,11 lords are in 6 or 8 or 12 house brings frequent health issues. As well additionally significations Badhaka Lord Sun – the health would be acute. So significations like this, the native should be careful in Sun Period.

Death Causing Planets

  • Most of the planets – Only when without significations of 1,5,11 houses and only significations with Badhaka, Maraka planets and 6,8,12 houses – causes death in during joint period of these planets. 

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