Going Abroad for Higher Education
On 5th January, 2019, a telephone call was received stating that he wanted to go abroad for higher education.
Date : 10 – 01 – 1996
Time : 08:22 AM
Place : Hyderabad
KP Rule :
- The relevant houses of foreign travel are 3, 9 and 12
- 3rd House – away from the residence
- 9th House – long journey.
- 12th House – foreign travel and new environment
If 12th cusp sub lord be the significator of house 3, 9 and 12, promised of going to abroad during the joint period of Maha dasha / Bhukthi / Anthara of significator of house 3,9,12.
For Higher Education
- If 9th cusp sub lord be the significator of house 4, 9, 11 and Karaka planets of education Mercury, Jupiter, higher education is promised.
Going abroad for study
- If 12th cusp sub lord be the significator of house 3, 9, 11 and 12, promised of going to abroad for higher education, during the joint period of Maha dasha / Bhukthi / Anthara of significator of house 3, 6, 9,11,12.

Analysis Method
9th Cusp Sub lord is Satrun. Satrun is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Ketu.
- Satrun is occupant of 2nd House and lord of 1 and 2 Houses.
- Jupiter is occupant of 11th House and lord of 3 and 12 Houses.
- Ketu is occupant of 3rd house (it is very close to 3rd cusp degrees, it means it is occupant of 3rd house). Ketu in Mercury star, which is occupant of 12th House and lord of 6 and 9 houses.
- 9th Cusp Sub lord is Saturn signifies 2,1, 11, 3,12, 6,9 Houses.
- It means, the 9th house signifies required houses of higher education for abroad. So Higher Education is promised.
12th Cusp Sub lord is Jupiter is in the star of Ketu and sub of Jupiter
- Jupiter (11,3,12), which is already discussed above.
- Ketu (3,12,6,9), which is already discussed above.
- 12th Cusp Sub lord is Jupiter signifies 11,3,12, 6,9 Houses.
- It means, the 12th house signifies required houses of higher education. So Going abroad for study is promised.
Dasha Analysis Method – Present Joint Period
- Maha Dasha – Sun is up to 13 – 09 – 2022
- Bhukthi – Jupiter is from 02 – 10 – 2018 to 21 – 07 – 2019
- Anthara – Venus is from 23 – 02 – 2019 to 12 – 04 – 2019
Maha Dasha Sun is star of the Venus and sub of the Mercury.
- Sun is occupant 12th House and lord of 8th House.
- Venus is occupant of 1st House lord of 5 and 10 Houses.
- Mercury is occupant of 12th House and lord of 6 and 9 Houses.
Bhukthi Jupiter is star of the Ketu and sub of the Jupiter.
- Jupiter (11,3,12), which is already discussed above.
- Ketu (3,12,6,9), which is already discussed above.
Anthara Venus is star of the mars and sub of the Mercury.
- Venus is occupant 1st House and lord of 5 and 10 Houses.
- Mars is occupant of 12th House and Lord of 4 and 11 Houses.
- Mercury occupant of 12th House and lord of 6 and 9 Houses.
My Judgment:
- Present Joint Period of Sun / Jupiter / Venus signifies required houses of Foreign Education. So Going abroad for study is promised. So he will go to abroad during above explained joint period. (23 – 02 – 2019 to 12 – 04 – 2019)
Facts of the case
- He went to abroad on Date: 6th March, 2019.